
I’ve never really done anything that I would consider procedural nor generative. It’s the kind of code that I assume is just a little beyond my artist-brain and therefore avoid when possible. Random.Range only gets you so far, kids.

7DRL starts today. I’ve been toying with an idea for a game mode for my new project that would involve some sort of generated content, basic level layouts and so on. So I’ve finally had a crack at generating your run of the mill dungeon, or more accurately a sequence of rooms with some doors.

It turns out that you probably need to do more than simply pick an empty cell on the grid to place things in an interesting way.

I quickly got distracted from generating interesting layouts and started playing around with some room art and variations. I think I’ll add some more cell types soon and see how far that gets me towards levels good enough for the game mode I have in mind.

Repetitive spaces connected by mysterious black portals, you say?